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文章来源:www.jnjbrpt.com   发布时间:2023-01-04 14:17:53   浏览次数:213


如今,升降平台行业厂家众多,大小厂家行业竞争不断加剧,因此有很多升降平台生产厂家再生产升降机时,偷工减料来降低成本,低价来抢夺市场订单,从而获得销量,这无疑是自掘坟墓啊!这是一个非常简单的道理。但是还是很多厂家愿意这样冒险去做,这不仅扰乱了设备行业秩序,也影响了升降平台行业的正常发展。Today, Shijiazhuang lifting platform industry of many manufacturers, manufacturers of the size of the growing competition in the industry, so there are a lot of Shijiazhuang lifting platform manufacturers to reduce the cost of reproduction of the lift, cut corners, low prices to grab market orders, resulting in sales, this is your grave! This is a very simple reason. But many manufacturers are willing to take the risk to do so, which not only disrupted the order of the equipment industry, but also affect the normal development of the Shijiazhuang platform industry.

当然,升降平台价格合理公道便宜是客户的首选考虑的问题,甚至也是影响客户购买的关键问题,但是,我们不能减低产品质量和工艺来进行恶意市场竞争,这不仅给行业带来不良影响,也给客户带来了一定的伤害。Of course, Shijiazhuang lifting platform is reasonable in price cheap is the preferred customers to consider the issue, even is a key problem, but we cannot buy customers, reduce product quality and process for malicious competition, which not only brings bad influence to the industry, but also to bring customers some damage.

1.降低升降平台产品质量和服务,虽然短时间内会销量大增,但在漫长的使用过程中,时间是检验质量的标准,最终客户会发现产品质量远不如以前,最后放弃再次选购该公司设备,对公司长远发展不利。Shijiazhuang reduces the lifting platform of product quality and service, although it will increase sales in a short time, but in the long process of quality inspection is time, end customers will find that the product quality is not as good as before, finally give up again to buy the company equipment, unfavorable for the long-term development of the company.

2.升降平台一旦一旦出现质量问题,发生事故,会造成人员和财产损失,公司将承担所有责任,得不偿失!Shijiazhuang lifting platform once once the quality problems, accidents, causing casualties and property losses, the company will bear all the responsibility, The loss outweighs the gain!

3.扰乱了升降平台行业正常健康发展,给行业发展带来不利影响。这无论对于行业,公司,还是客户三者都不利,最终导致三者利益都受损,得不偿失!Disrupt the normal and healthy development of Shijiazhuang platform industry, to the development of the industry adversely affected. This is both for the industry, company, or customers three are unfavorable, resulting in three interests are damaged, The loss outweighs the gain!

所以,仅仅依靠降低升降平台产品治疗降低价格,提高销量是不足以获胜的,必须要注意产品质量和到位的服务,以及公道合理的价格三者相结合才能使企业发展更长远!So, just rely on lower Shijiazhuang lifting platform products for the treatment of lower prices, increase sales is not enough to win, must pay attention to the quality of products and services in place, and the reasonable price of the combination of the three can make the enterprise long-term development!

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